CORRUPT BARGAINS: How Gay Marriage Began in Massachusetts
Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse (President, Ruth Institute), interview on the Dr. J Show, 1/9/24.
Dr. Morse: "A lot of it is [Amy's] narrative, but in addition to that, she's got all sorts of documents that you can read for yourself. Another thing I really liked about your book is the photos ... some are vintage photos! … I really appreciate the work that you’ve done."
Jonathan Van Maren Show, LifeSite News, 6/21/23. "Pro-family author explains how same-sex 'marriage' in Massachusetts led to the Obergefell decision" (article & author interview).
Van Maren: "To social conservatives who are interested in the history of the last 20 years, I really do recommend Corrupt Bargains."

C. J. Doyle, Exec. Director of the Catholic Action League of Massachusetts, praises Corrupt Bargains, news alert, Sept. 2023:
Longtime pro-family activist Amy Contrada, the Director of Research for Mass Resistance, has written a splendid and shocking new book, revealing how the Commonwealth of Massachusetts came to recognize sodomy as a conjugal act.
Amy’s singularly impressive book — Corrupt Bargains: How Gay Marriage Began in Massachusetts — is a painstakingly researched, comprehensively detailed, copiously documented, meticulously accurate, lucidly written and compellingly told tale of revolutionary politics and cultural upheaval.
It recounts how, through lies, corruption and contempt for constitutional norms and democratic governance, the deformity of marriage was brought to Massachusetts, and ultimately, to the rest of America....
[Reposted at Catholicism.org.]

MassResistance website announces
CORRUPT BARGAINS, April 17, 2023.

MassResistance announces release of CORRUPT BARGAINS in March 2023 Boston Broadside.